-27 (8/23/97)
-Nonbinary Transfemme Lesbian
-She/they (I'd prefer if you alternate but it's not a big deal if you don't)
-I have autism and ADHD
-I mainly post/reblog fire emblem (the whole series, though Jugdral, Magvel, and Tellius are my favorites) and honkai, but I also post/reblog pmmm/magireco, fate, symphogear, bandori, revstar, project sekai, and pokemon from time to time
-Any gender neutral or feminine terms are generally fine when referring to me, with the exception of enby, as I find that term infantilizing personally and thus don't vibe with it, as far as masculine terms go dude, bro, and king are fine, others are generally not
-click the icons at the bottom, the star leads to my dfi, while the others lead to my faves for the various things I'm into, except the last two, which are links to my twitter and tumblr.
-I check for new followers once a day, so if I don't follow you back immediately don't assume I'm not interested in being moots, just give it a day

DFIyou fit basic dfi criteria (i.e. you're homophobic, racist, a pedophile, etc.)
you ship/condone incest/pedophilia (including and especially iroyachi)
you say slurs you can't reclaim
PMMM FAVEScharacters: Yachiyo Nanami, Mami Tomoe, Tsuruno Yui, Alina Gray, Mifuyu Azusa, Ria Ami, Kanagi Izumi, Kyoko Sakura, Sayaka Miki, Riz/Liz Hawkwood, Mitama Yakumo, Sana Futaba, Touka Satomiships: yachimifu, yachitsuru, yachiyo/kanagi, yachiriz, tartriz, kyosaya, kyomami, sayamami, irosana, riamayu, masakoko, rikaren, mitamomo, mitakana
REVSTAR FAVEScharacters: Claudine Saijo, Shizuha Kocho, Maya Tendo, Yachiyo Tsuruhime, Yuyuko Tanaka, Nana Daiba, Hikari Kagura, Souda-sensei, Yakumo-sensei, honestly I love all the girlsships: mayakuro, tsukashizu, misoruru, yachimei, tamarui, hikakuro, hikamayakuro, Souda/Yakumo, hikamaya, karehika, mahikaren (both the otp and ot3), mahikari, junnanana, futakao, futakuro, kaokuro, ichifumi, akimichi, suzumahi, kohamaya, kohamayakuro, honestly I can generally vibe with most ships
SYMPHOGEAR FAVEScharacters: Tsubasa, Maria, Kanade, Hibiki, Chris, Genjuurou, Ogawa, Saint-Germain, Cagliostro, Prelati, Vanessaships: tsubamari, kanatsubamari, kanatsuba, kanamari, hibimiku, kirishira, hibimikuchris
FATE FAVEScharacters: Sakura, Medusa, Taiga, Archer, Artoria (esp. the Lion King), Shirou, Scathach, Nero, Musashi, Osakabehime, Kiyohime, Irisviel, Medea, Iskandar, Medb, Mordred, Oei, Suzuka Gozen, Drake, Tamamo, Illya, Rin, Nobunaga, Okita, Waver, Nightingale, Hans, Shakespeare, Cu Chulainn, Kirei, Da Vinci, Olga Marie, Carmilla, Nitocris, Quetzalcoatl, Semiramis, Shishigou, Fiore, Reika, Jack, Astolfo, Jing Ke, Yu Meirenships: I'll do this later
BANDORI FAVEScharacters: Yukina, Rei, Lisa, Ako, Tae, Kaoru, Chisato, Masuki, CHU2, Moca, Sayo, Rinko, Saaya, Pareo, Rokka, Aya, Hina, Tomoe, Himari
ships: YukiLisa, TaeRei, KaoChisa, MocaRan, TomoHima, AyaHina, MasuRokka, Ran’s dad/Yukina’s dad, SayoLisa, KasuAri, SaayaRimi, SayoTsugu, AkoRinko, YukiSayo, RinSayo, MayaEve, AyaChisa, MisaKanon, KokoHagu, AsuRokka, PareChu
Miscellaneous FavesD4DJ: all of RONDO and Merm4id but especially Tsubaki and RikaPokemon: Dunsparce is my favorite actual Pokemon and my favorite human character is CynthiaProject Sekai: Mizuki, Luka, MeikoHonkai (all games): Durandal, Cocolia, Serval, Rita, Himeko, Bronya, Vill-V, Merlin
Fire Emblem faves (note that this is far from a complete list, it’s me trying to keep it brief since FE has a lot of characters)Archanea: Minerva, the Whitewings, Tiki (both child and Awakening Tiki), Caeda, Marth, Athena, Phina, Malice, Sheena, Vyland
Valentia: Mae, Sonya, Genny, Clair, Mathilda, Leon, Python, Tatiana
Jugdral: Brigid/Eyvel, Ayra, Arden, Ares, Larcei, Altena, Lene, Silvia, Ishtar, Arvis, Travant, Olwen, Mareeta, Lachesis, Patty, Hilda
Elibe: Echdina, Cecilia, Igrene, Lilina, Roy, Narcian, Niime, Clarine, Florina, Serra, Farina, Vaida, Louise, Nino
Magvel: Marisa, Tethys, Gerik, Tana, L’Arachel, Lyon, Eirika, Lute, Innes, Saleh, Selena, Amelia, Gilliam
Tellius: Heather, Nephenee, Elincia, Lucia, Ilyana, Titania, Nailah, Leanne, Calill, Ike, Micaiah, Soren, Sigrun, Jill, Tanith, Marcia, Astrid
Awakening: Olivia, Chrom, Maribelle, Severa, Owain, Cynthia, Gregor, Basilio, Flavia
Fates: Soleil, Oboro, Charlotte, Reina, Ophelia, Mitama, Azama
Three Houses: Edelgard, Dorothea, Claude, Hubert, Marianne, Manuela, Hapi, Constance, Shamir, Rhea
Heroes: NóttShips: Heather/Nephenee, Marisa/Tethys, Elincia/Lucia, Eirika/Tana, Sigrun/Tanith, Minerva/Palla, Florina/Lyn, Guinivere/Melady, Ike/Soren, Ferdinand/Hubert, Edelgard/Dorothea, Hilda/Marianne, Marth/Caeda, Roy/Lilina